The Reality that Screams GOD

This is the reality we would expect to see...

A man asks an unbeliever: " you believe there is a God who created this universe, and even more, a God who desires for us to have a personal relationship with Him through His creation?"

The unbeliever responds: "While I admit it is impossible for me to say there is no God, my answer is no..."

The man then asks the unbeliever: "What reality would you expect there to be if there is a creator behind the universe, namely God, who desires for us to personally know Him?"
(Now this is an interesting question because the Bible tells us that the invisible attributes of God are clearly seen by the things that are made, that God has not only revealed Himself all around us in this universe, but within us so we are without excuse, that light is given to each man coming into this world, and what this message is meant to do is expose that light and suppress the darkness, as the Bible says, we suppress the truth (that light) in our unrighteousness)

Unbeliever: "Well, if I was honest with myself, for starters, I would expect Him (God) to create us in a way where we can know anything at all. That would be essential to come to know anything or anyone, obviously including God. As well as having the capacity to comprehend the concept (of the greatest conceivable being) of an all powerful eternal being, that is God. Once again, that would be essential to come to know Him personally by understanding the reality of His being.

If there is this God whom you speak of who is a Spirit, for I would acknowledge that it makes logical sense that God must be a Spirit to be able to transcend space, time and matter to bring this universe into existence, I suppose for us to come to know the essence of His being, to know this Spirit personally, we ourselves would have to be spiritual beings. So I would expect spirituality to be an essential part of the human race.

If there is a God behind this universe who desires to have a relationship with us, I would expect Him to create us in a way where we can be relational, I suppose such as we are, being able to make free choices. For the word "desire" denotes that He does not force Himself upon us, so we may freely choose Him. For we understand from our own experiences from creating artificial intelligence that without a free choice we cannot produce this thing we call love to have a genuine relationship with another person through acts of faith.

I suppose if this is the reality He created for us humans to come into a personal relationship with Him that our senses such as seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting would be adequate to come in to such a personal relationship with the creator, to be able to know Him through having a deep experience by these senses through His creation. For we know from our own experiences that these senses allow us to have a deep personal relationship with another person.

If there is a creator behind the universe, and He wants us to have knowledge of His creation, that He is the creator, I suppose it would make sense for us to understand the concept of creation itself, with us being very creative beings understanding such a concept. This suspiciously points to the idea that there is a creator behind this universe who also allowed us to create things to understand the things He made, and that it requires a vastly greater creator to create the things beyond our comprehension...

I do not mean to get off point on this next thought, but now that you have me thinking...

When we desire to have a personal relationship with another person, we desire to give or receive good things to come in to such a relationship, so it would make sense if there is a creator behind the universe who desires to have a relationship with us, that He is the one who created these good things that we use to come into a personal relationship with others, so we may know His goodness through His creation to likewise come into a relationship with Him.

If there is this God who you speak of who is "all powerful" as they say, who brought our universe into being, who wants us to know this aspect of Him so we may have a clear understanding that there is an all powerful being who manifested Himself, I suppose the vastness of this universe, with its billions of galaxies, and trillions of billions of stars, along with all its incomprehensible degree of fine tuning to even allow advanced life to exist on planet Earth that hangs on nothing, even down to a tiny seed that can grow into a tree hundreds of feet tall, let alone our ability to comprehend the universe, would be sufficient evidence for the work of an all powerful creator who desires for us to see this to know Him.

For we know from our own experiences that it takes an intelligent mind to fine tune anything complex, and if He created us, He allowed us to see the genius of His workmanship from the engineering of the human body all the way to the ends of the universe, knowing in comparison of what we are capable of making through an intelligent mind is far less than what He has made, thus suspiciously screaming out at us that there is a higher intelligence behind all that we see.

If there is a God behind the universe who desires for us to personally know Him, I would expect for Him to have reached out to us by now after all these thousands of years of humanity upon the Earth. In what way? Well, how do we get to personally know anyone? From our own experience through their word. So if this is the reality in which God has revealed Himself to us, and wants us to come and personally know Him, I would expect Him to have given us His word in any receivable form, and God must be a person if He wants us to have a personal relationship with Him.

If God desires the world of humanity to personally know Him through His word, I would expect His word to be the greatest in the world, being in abundance for the world to see. So I would at least expect His word to be the most read and translated word ever, for an all powerful God's word should be the greatest, for how could man who is created by Him create something greater than Him by whom all things came? Also, why would God allow man to create a greater word than His to deceive the world if God wanted us to know the truth, to know Him? So if there is a God who reached out to us by now through His word, if I were to be honest, the Bible is the only book about God that fits this criteria, being the most read and translated in the world by far in at least in part over thousands of languages, and nothing comes remotely close.

If God desired a relationship with us, I would expect His word to speak on such things, to reveal Himself, His nature, so we may come to know Him personally. To be honest, I cannot deny that there is this reality of good and evil in this world, so I would expect His word to speak on such things if He cared for us, to reveal why these things are, and to bring reconciliation to them.

Such as how the Bible opens with the fall of humanity explaining the reason why, giving us an ultimate solution to the problem of evil through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ who people say conquered the grave, and ending with a resolution where God will make all things new bringing restoration to His creation.

So it is an interesting point that the Bible is not only the greatest book ever by far about God, not only in terms of the amount of content, but being the most sold, read and translated, but also speaks on the heart of the matter pertaining to this life covering many aspects that we would expect to see if there is a God who desires to reveal Himself to us, who desires to have a personal relationship with us...if not all, exposing the things in the heart of man bringing reconciliation to why things are...

Now that you got me thinking about these things...If there is a God who desires to share His word with humanity so we may know Him, it is rather suspicious how our bodies are the way they are being optimized to flourish in this life to produce tools and technologies to advance the Bible to reach the world making it the most read and translated by far.

What else is suspicious is how we have two eyes that seem to be positioned in the right spot on our body working together with the rest of our parts that move in unison, as if there is a God who wants us to behold His creation and word. Along with our mouth and tongue to speak words, and ears to hear. As well as our arms that have hands that seem to be suspiciously in the right spot in conjunction with where our eyes are in our head, to hold a book, to read words, to flip pages, and are hands seem suspiciously optimized to create many things, such as a tool to write down words, and paper for these words to be written on...I find these facts rather suspicious now that you have me thinking on the subject it was all designed this way to come to know our creator not only through His creation, but by His word...

If God desired for us to know Him, I would expect that the most rational reason for why there is anything rather than nothing would be God above all options; that this would be the most obvious answer, because a God who desires for us to know Him would make it obvious to see...

Now that I think about it, how can a mindless, guideless process of chance produce a mind like mine that can comprehend the process when the process cannot even comprehend itself? That is a major contradiction...

If the universe came to be by this process, we are left with virtually impossible odds, therefore evidence that it requires a miracle maker. What are the odds God created the universe? Odds are no such thing...

If there is a God who desires for us to come into a personal relationship by freely choosing Him, I would expect a reality where I can freely reason about this question at all, just as I hav...

...wait a second...This is the reality I would expect to see if there is a God who created this universe and who desires for us to know Him...could it all really be a coincidence? Would I bet my life on it?

What I've attempted to do with this message is to expose the light that the Bible says God has given to each man coming into this world that has been suppressed by our unrighteousness, by the darkness of the deceptions of the devil who has desensitized us from what God has clearly shown us since the beginning; so that the light that He has given to each man coming into this world may shine in our hearts.

I can only hope that, if you are reading this, and if you that unbeliever at the beginning of this message who would answer "No..." to the question whether you believe there is a God who created this universe, and who desires to have a personal relationship with Him, that the thoughts of the unbeliever in this message may light up your heart to see what God has clearly shown before us.

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