No Lives Ultimately Matter...

...without the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Without the grace and mercy of God, we would all be going to the same place, being eternally separated from Him. So what ultimate good would there be to preserve life in this world without this hope, a hope that gives us assurance of being reconciled to a Holy God, the only one who is good?
Our value is not found in what we feel is right, or in our own opinion, but in the one who brought us forth, who created us in His image. He is the one who declares it, and we are very valuable to Him. How much so? He gave His life for us upon the cross. Let that sink into the deepest depths of your heart...GOD. DIED. FOR. YOU. What an amazing thought...The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate justification to understand truly what our value is in this life, what our value is to Him.

You are one of a kind, you are capable of doing amazing things, there will never be another you ever again, you cannot be replaced, and God knows everything thing about you. He does not see you like the world sees you, how we may blend people together seeing the same things judging by the outward appearance, but He sees the deepest depths of your heart and thoughts that we cannot see. He treats you like you are the only person in the world to Him, for His love is immeasurable surpassing all understanding.

Ultimately our value is not determined by the color of our skin, our bank account, whether we are an active member of society, or how many books we have written, how much knowledge or wisdom we have, if we are a hard worker, or whatever the gifts or accomplishments may be, but was demonstrated by Christ up until that last moment before He died on the cross, with the thief who by faith cried out for Him to receive Him, and He replied by saying,
“Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).
You see, Jesus did not ask the thief in that moment, what have you done for me? But instead He said to that man, see what I have done for you, how I long for you to be with me demonstrating our value to Him through His love for us upon the cross.

In a sliver of a moment in time, we can see the demonstration of God's great love towards us showing it is not about our accomplishments and capabilities that ultimately determines our value to Him, but that, while in our existence, we are truly and always made in His image, and that above all things, ultimately our value is in being able to know and love Him, being able to come into a deep personal relationship with Him, because we are created in His image.

We may not all be talented in the same ways, having the same capabilities, but what we are all capable of doing is what ultimately truly matters, that is loving our Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and our neighbor as ourselves. These being the two greatest commandments that if we keep, Jesus says we shall live, as they fulfill all other commandments.

So when we set our eyes upon another human being, this is the value we should see, the value that God sees, because it is Him who formed us for His glory. For in that moment when we allow ourselves to determine ultimately the value of ourselves and others we become a thief to the cross instead of the thief on the cross.

Do not get caught up in the demonic spirit of racism that is running rampant in this world. I had a dream not long ago where I had this nasty demonic looking creature with piranha looking teeth that was locked unto my hand, and had a body like a snake about 5 feet long give or take. As its teeth were locked unto my hand, I put this creature down on the ground and put my knee on it and killed it. I believe God was showing me that when that officer who put his knee on George Floyd and killed him, that a demonic spirit of racism was released into the world.

These wicked acts done by mankind are not just the result of the conditions of their hearts, but are deeply influenced by demonic forces. There are spirits for depression, addictions, homosexuality, suicide, racism and so forth that are pulling the strings in the unseen realm.

When you come up against someone because of their skin color, what you are ultimately doing is coming up against the light, the Holy, Holy, Holy Spirit of God who formed that person in His image, and you will have to give an account on the day of judgement before this Holy God.

The reason why the path and gate is narrow, is because it is only through one man...the only man who walked the perfect path, the master builder who was able to manifest the steps of the divine leading to the gate of everlasting life...repent, turn from your unrighteousness, and receive His Holy Spirit taking upon His righteousness...follow Jesus Christ and you will live.

The real battlefield is in the unseen realm in which we are all enlisted in, and is ultimately conquered in one thing, love.

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